CnC Holland Generals Challenge (Air Mobile Brigade) #5: vs Kassad

Описание к видео CnC Holland Generals Challenge (Air Mobile Brigade) #5: vs Kassad

Hard difficulty

Blech, this was another slog, but at least it's 10 minutes faster than my Marines run! What tripped me up in this battle was fixating on the first few minutes and I had no real battle plan after that. I just wanted to survive. A practice run ended very quickly because I overextended myself.

Usually, I try to avoid letting Kassad fire that SCUD Storm but I just can't do it this time around. However, the Marshal's chinooks let me recover very quickly. At some point I lost a lot of buildings and defenses but I recuperated due to having spread so far out and having so many helicopters patrolling.

I feel like the biggest threat Kassad poses is the mental pressure you get from his SCUD Storm timer...and the many annoying stinger sites present. It's like he's trying to scare you into hesitating (which worked). Once I've destroyed his superweapon and made some actual progress into his base he fell apart fairly quickly. I didn't even get to use the bombers very much, I was concerned with losing units but I should remind myself that once my eco was big enough I could afford reckless charges.

You can check out CnC Holland here:

I've also created an unofficial Generals Challenge patch so the mod's Dutch generals can fight against someone other than Thrax.
It's based on my compatible GC Maps addon but I realized not everyone knows how to modify INI files.


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